UPCOMING PROGRAMS: July 31: New Columbia Heights City Manager Aaron Chirpich speaks on future development in the city. August 7- Stephen Keeler. Aug. 14- meet at Columbia Heights Police Department, 825 41st Ave. NE, for a tour with member Capt. Erik Johnston.
PROGRAM July 17- no meeting due to the golf fundraiser.
July 24- College admissions consultant Cozy Wittman provided an update on the factors operating in college applications, admissions, and funding, including obtaining scholarship assistance.
Greg Schraufnagel announced that the 11th annual Golf Classic, the primary club fundraiser, at the Refuge Golf Course in Oak Grove Township on Monday, July 15, netted $19,000.00, an excellent result, of which $5,000.00 is already earmarked for the Healthy Youth Foundation, which funds our STRIVE program.
Bob Tholkes and Gordon Backlund read thank-yous’s from, respectively, the Fridley 49er Days Committee and recent speaker Don Martin of Arden Hills-Shoreview Rotary. Thank you’s are also coming in individual Fridley High School STRIVE scholarship recipients.
The practice of rotating responsibility for providing meeting programs, acting as the greeter and opening meetings, and providing an invocation will continue in 2024-25.
Due to the transition in the club treasurer position from Greg Schraufnagel (thanks for your service, Greg!) To Stephen Keeler and Greg’s duties as coordinator of the upcoming Golf Classic, invoices for the billing quarter ending June 30 were not issued…to catch up, two invoices will be forthcoming during the new quarter which ends September 30.
Heights Next Community Group offers its annual Garden Party Potluck at its Blooming Sunshine Garden at Lomianki Park,39th Ave. & California St. in Columbia Heights, at 5:30 on Thursday, July 25. A weeding and planting opportunity is provided for those so inclined.
The next club board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 7. All members are welcome.
The Operation Pollination committee plans to participate in the Columbia Heights Monarch Festival on Thursday, August 8.
The annual Charter Dinner will take place on Wednesday evening, November 6, at Banquets of Minnesota, 6310 Hwy 65, Fridley. Doors open at 5:30. District 5960 District Governor Ed Boeve will be on hand.
Rotary International announced that the 2029 RI convention will be held in Minneapolis. It will be organized cooperatively by Districts 5580/5950,5960, and 6250.
Additional mentors for Fridley STRIVE students are sought. Contact Steve Klaers at 612-599-8103.