16 members and guest Jim Cummings, STRIVE coordinator at Fridley High School heard Adam Flett of the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization describe its mission, funding, and services. MWMO protects and promotes water quality and habitat in its service area, which includes both Fridley and Columbia Heights and the city of Minneapolis.
Cummings showed thank-you notes from Fridley STRIVE students.
Steve Klaers and Greg Schraufnagel shared updates on participation in the July 15 Golf Classic fundraiser.
The Operation Pollination committee met virtually on Tuesday morning, June 3, with Adam Flett of the Mississippi Watershed Mgmt Organization, Rachel Workin of the City of Fridley, and Melissa Trent of Columbia Heights High School joining members Amáda Márquez Simula, Mike Oakley, Kristen Stuenkel, and Bob Tholkes. Workin provided an overview of Fridley’s pollinator efforts, which have added pollinator habitat to a number of city parks and encouraged residents to plant pollinators.
Blooming Heights Pollinator Garden at Columbia Heights High School, 1400 49th Ave NE, offers another weed n’ mulch session with Heights students from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. on Monday, June 10. Tools and gloves provided.
Rotary is invited to share an informational table with the Mayor’s Monarch Pledge at the Columbia Heights Arts and Info Fair on Thursday, June 20, from 4-7 p.m. at Huset Park,3965 Jefferson St.
The next club board meeting is scheduled for 9 a.m. on Wednesday, June 12, at Fridley Community Center. All members are welcome.
Sign up with Bob Olsen for volunteering during Fridley 49er Days at the Rotary Fun Run and Rotary Wine Tent (see below). Contact Bob at to sign up by email.
The annual Rotary Fun Run at Fridley’s 49er Days event takes place on Thursday, June 13. Volunteers to help are needed from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
The Rotary Wine Tent during 49er Days takes place from 2:00 to 10:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 15. Volunteers for two-hour shifts staffing the tent are needed.
Installation of the 2024-25 District Governor, Ed Boeve of Stillwater Sunrise Rotary, will take place on
Saturday, June 29, at 5:00 p.m. at Rustic Roots Winery in Scandia. Register at
The 11th annual Golf Classic, the primary club fundraiser, is set for Monday, July 15, at the Refuge Golf Course in Oak Grove. Volunteers are needed to participate. Contact Greg Schraufnagel at 612-242-4748 to sign up.
The Operation Pollination committee plans to participate in the Columbia Heights Monarch Festival on Thursday, August 8.
The annual Charter Dinner will take place on Wednesday evening, November 6, at a site to be selected.
Rotary International announced that the 2029 RI convention will be held in Minneapolis. It will be organized cooperatively by Districts 5580/5950,5960, and 6250.
Additional mentors for Fridley STRIVE students are sought. Contact Steve Klaers at 612-599-8103.
UPCOMING PROGRAMS: June 12- Greetings and an update by new Columbia Heights Police Department Chief Matt Markham. June 19- Paul Ostrow of Fentanyl Free Communities will present an informative program. June 26- Outgoing club president Stephen Keeler provides a review of the Rotary year, which ends on June 30.