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September 26, 2018
President Josh Lund and Laura Skubic
22 members, former member Dick Harris, and guests Jim Cummings of Fridley High School STRIVE, Steve Drost, financial planner at Affiance Financial of St. Louis Park, and Keith Werness of Church Offset Printing of Fridley, heard Laura Skubic of Twin Cities Rotoract describe her recent trip with other Rotarians to Lebanon. Laura showed photos from the excursion, for which our club helped to defray expenses.
President Josh Lund announced that the next club board meeting will take place at 9:00 a.m. on Oct. 3 at Fridley City Hall, and that the Oct. 17 breakfast will be replaced by a 5:01 meeting. Social director Scott Lund will contact the Route 47 Grill in Fridley about a meeting place.
Scott Lund also issued a reminder of the fall social event, the Mystery Tour which will depart by bus from the Shortstop at 2:00
Meeting Responsibilities (Sergeant at Arms and Invocation) through November can now be found on the home page of the website-- scroll down to the bottom left corner.
October 3: Sergeant at Arms: Patty Hand. Invocation: Wally Wysopal.