Kevin Kaliher Stephen Keeler Will Rottler
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Stephen Keeler Jeremy Evers Chris Lamont Mike Oakley
January 24, 2024
16 members and guest Andy Risvold of Forgotten Star Brewery in Fridley heard Jeremy Evers and Chris Lamont of Magnus Veterans’ Foundation of Andover speak about the foundation’s mission and services to veterans and their immediate family. It provides a range of health services—physical, mental, and social. Recently founded (2022) it already reaches several hundred clients. Donate and find further information at
Kevin Kaliher of RAO Mfg. in Fridley and Will Rottler of the city of Columbia Heights were inducted by president Stephen Keeler and senior member Gordon Backlund.
Keeler conducted the annual election of officers for the next Rotary year (2024-2025): Mike Oakley as president; Paul Nealy as president-elect; Bob Tholkes as secretary; and Stephen Keeler as treasurer. All ran unopposed.
The club has purchased a table for 8 at Fridley Schools Foundation’s gala on tomorrow evening, January 25, at Jax Café in Minneapolis. Sign up to attend with Stephen Keeler at 763-502-5106.
A late-January date is being finalized for STRIVE students to visit Anoka-Ramsey Community College and Anoka Technical College, and a visit to Minneapolis College (formerly Minneapolis Community and Technical College) is set for Wednesday, February 14.
The next Operation Pollination virtual meeting is scheduled for 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday, February 6. Use Zoom reference
The next club board meeting is scheduled for 9 a.m., Wednesday, Feb. 7, at Fridley Community Center. All members are welcome.
The 11th annual Golf Classic, the primary club findraiser, is set for Monday, July 15, at the Refuge Golf Course in Oak Grove.
Additional mentors for Fridley STRIVE students are sought. Contact Steve Klaers at 612-599-8103. 
Rotary International produces podcasts on various subjects, available at
UPCOMING PROGRAMS: January 31- member Gordon Backlund describes his experiences in organizing overseas group trips. February 7- member Bob Tholkes provides a presentation on his experiences in pursuing genealogy. February 14- Retiring Columbia Heights Police Chief Lenny Austin will speak on ‘Thirty Years on the Force’.