UPCOMING PROGRAMS: August 7- Stephen Keeler is scheduled to present on a topic TBA. Aug. 14- meet at Columbia Heights Police Department, 825 41st Ave. NE, for a tour with member Capt. Erik Johnston. Aug. 21- Mike Miner & Steve Kalina promote the future of manufacturing in Minnesota.
New Columbia Heights City Manager Aaron Chirpich forecast the city’s future opportunities and challenges, envisioning a 15-year horizon in which significant redevelopment efforts, some already at various stages of completion, will transform its present look.
Columbia Heights Public Schools invites members to meet its new teaching staff at its annual meet & greet from 10:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, August 20, at the high school, 1400 49th Avenue NE.
The next club board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 7. All members are welcome.
The Operation Pollination committee plans to participate in the Columbia Heights Monarch Festival on Thursday, August 8.
The annual Charter Dinner will take place on Wednesday evening, November 6, at Banquets of Minnesota, 6310 Hwy 65, Fridley. Doors open at 5:30. District 5960 District Governor Ed Boeve will be on hand.
Rotary International announced that the 2029 RI convention will be held in Minneapolis. It will be organized cooperatively by Districts 5580/5950,5960, and 6250.
Additional mentors for Fridley STRIVE students are sought. Contact Steve Klaers at 612-599-8103.