UPCOMING PROGRAMS: Sep. 25- Andy Risvold of Forgotten Star Brewery provides an update. Oct. 2- Member Gordon Backlund lectures on legislating and lobbying at the state level in Minnesota. October 9- Jody … of the League of Women Voters will inform about the state of election integrity.
17 members, visiting Rotarian Gary Alberts, and guests Jim Cummings and Matt Kiefer of the Fridley High School STRIVE program and Peter Bormann of Fridley, candidate this fall for the Fridley City Council, heard newest member Ron Steiner present his Classification Talk. Steiner spoke about his family, education, and career, and showed photos of family and friends.
The Fridley & Columbia Heights wanderin’ Rotarians will take two more breakfast jaunts in October. On October 16, members have the opportunity to meet at and tour RAO Mfg’s facility at 6530 James Ave. N. in Brooklyn Center, a follow up to the August meeting at RAO in Fridley. Meeting time will be the normal 7:30-8:30. At that hour RAO Brooklyn Center is a 15-minute drive from our normal Shortstop Bar & Grill location. Carpooling from Shortstop Bar & Grill will be organized if wanted.
On October 23 member Brenda Lewis will lead a presentation about and tour of Fridley Public Schools new VISTA alternative learning program, housed across the intersection of Shortstop and Old Central Avenue. Breakfast will be at Shortstop followed by the walk to VISTA.
Cummings spoke briefly about this year’s STRIVE program at Fridley and introduced Keifer, who will assist.
Social Committee Scott Lund passed around a sign-up sheet for the Charter Dinner on November 6 (see below).
Due to the transition in the club treasurer position from Greg Schraufnagel (thanks for your service, Greg!) To Stephen Keeler and Greg’s duties as coordinator of the upcoming Golf Classic, invoices for the billing quarter ending June 30 were not issued…to catch up, a second invoice (the first was issued last week) was issued on September 15. T
The next club board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 2, at 9 a.m. at Fridley Community Center, 6058 7 St NE. All members are welcome.
The annual Charter Dinner will take place on Wednesday evening, November 6, at Banquets of Minnesota, 6310 Hwy 65, Fridley. Doors open at 5:30. District ,5960 District Governor Ed Boeve will be on hand.
Rotary International announced that the 2029 RI convention will be held in Minneapolis. It will be organized cooperatively by Districts 5580/5950,5960, and 6250.
Additional mentors for Fridley STRIVE students are sought. Contact Steve Klaers at 612-599-8103.